BISS CH. Proclaim's Hooked On A Feelin' (Nuggle)
Am.CH. Edgewood Vendetta, ECM x Ch.Haveago's Stardust Trilogy
Baer - Normal, PRcD - Normal/Clear, FN - Normal, Patellae - Normal, AN - clear by parentage , OFA Thyroid (2017)- Normal
Link to the Orthopedic Foundation website. The OFA stores all submitted and verified health test results. All of our dogs and their health testing can be found under their registered names.
Advanced Search | Orthopedic Foundation for Animals | Columbia, MO (ofa.org)
Link to Nuggle's pedigree: http://www.cockerspanieldatabase.info/pedigree.php?id=90525&Name=Proclaim%27s+Hooked+On+A+Feelin%27
This litter had been a dream of mine for many years! When Murdoch was a very young dog I started planning a breeding program. The idea of breeding the right Murdoch daughter to Ch. Edgewood Vendetta (Chigger) has stuck with me and finally my dream has been realized!! Nuggle and Jigger are the two wonderful puppies Trillian produced for us from frozen semen. We are so excited about these two puppies!
Nuggle has turned into quite a show girl even though I was slow to start her in the show ring. We are over the moon with her Best Puppy in Show win and Group 4th at the Elora Gorge show December 2012!
We are looking forward to more exciting news as these puppies mature!
NEWS FLASH!!! Nuggle is living up to our dreams! After being off from the Canadian dog show circuit for over a year, we went to the Sporting Dog Specialty of SouthWestern Ontario just needing 2 points to complete her Canadian Championship. Thank you to Jean Louis Blais for not only awarding her the breed from tough competition but then going on to give her a Group 1st giving he the Best In Specialty title!! We are over the moon and honoured with this wonderful win!
More great show news for Nuggle! At the Seaboard English Cocker Club's supported entry 2016, Nuggle was awarded Best of Winners and 4pts toward her American Championship under Doug Johnson. The following weekend we travelled to the English Cocker Club of Canada's National Specialty where she was awarded Select Bitch from a very strong entry of lovely cockers under breeder/judge Sandi Olsen.